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DSPath NGS Multiplex PCR Master Mix

DSPath NGS Multiplex PCR Master Mix

Regular price $169.00 USD
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DSPath NGS Multiplex PCR Master Mix is a multiplex PCR premix for NGS (high throughput sequencing) library preparation, which is applicable for pathogenic microorganisms detection. This product contains various components required for multiplex PCR reactions (except primers and templates). The hotstart high-fidelity DNA polymerase has the characteristics of low mismatch rate and good specificity, and is suitable for Panel multiplicities up to 1000. The optimized buffer system reduces the inhibition of multiple sample interferences on amplification, and is suitable for DNA amplification of various samples such as blood, nose/throat swab, virus culture, etc. DSPath NGS Multiplex PCR Master Mix can quickly complete the amplification library, and is more adapt to products with higher GC content.

pathogenic microorganism tNGS; cancer gene tNGS; genetic disease tNGS; scientific research

Excellent amplification performance: low mismatch rate and high specificity, capable of conducting super multiple amplification to construct high-quality DNA libraries.
Easy to use: all-in-one master mix, reducing operation and saving time in library preparation.
Wide applicability: compatible with various samples such as blood, nasal / throat swabs, viral cultures, and is widely used in pathogenic microorganism detection, cancer gene detection, scientific research, and other fields.

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