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10-250KD Prestained Protein Ladder

10-250KD Prestained Protein Ladder

Regular price $46.20 USD
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This product contains 10 pre-stained standard proteins with known molecular weights, ranging from 10kDa to 250kDa. The 70kDa band is marked with an orange protein band, and the 10kDa band is marked with a green protein band, while the others are blue. It allows for direct observation of the protein electrophoresis process and a clear assessment of the Western blot transfer effect. Typically, a sample volume of 5µl per application is adequate.

Bands (kDa)
10, 15, 25, 35, 40, 55, 70, 100, 150, 250


For SDS-PAGE, Western Blot. Monitor the electrophoresis process throughout, Assess the efficiency of transfer, Precisely locate the target protein.

Ready-to-use, multicolor pre-stained Bright colors, clear bands High purity protein, accurate molecular weight Multiple bands, wide range Good consistency between batches 

Storage Condition
Store at -20°C

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